Clap de Champs : The agricultural technical short film festival
Clap de Champs, the festival of short agricultural technical films, is back for its 5th edition. This national competition is dedicated to students in higher agricultural education.

To participate, all you have to do is :
- Form a team* of at least 2 higher education students, including at least one student from higher agricultural education.
- Produce 2 minutes maximum video, focusing on a technical topic, useful to farmers in the management of their arable and forage crops.
- Send in the final video.
Register by filling in the following form: I would like to register
For more information, please read the competition rules:
Rules 2025
Key dates to remember:
- 4 April 2025: deadline for the submission of the registration forms
- 9 May 2025: deadline for the reception of the short films
- 22 May 2025: announcement of the nominated videos
- 3 June 2025: Awards ceremony
The awards ceremony will take place at the ARVALIS research and experimentation station at Villers-Saint-Christophe in the Aisne department (02). This day will also be an opportunity to find out more about the work of ARVALIS and the experimentation professions.
Don't hesitate to plan your trip now: all participants are invited, winners and non-winners alike.
Competition teaser
In short, Clap de Champs is :
candidate videos for the 2023 edition
+ 200
agricultural school students who took part in the competition
+ 8,000
on the last four editions winners’ videos
A few photos from the 2024 awards ceremony
Watch the testimonials of the 2023 winners
Watch the testimonials of the 2022 winners
Watch the awards ceremony for the 2023 edition
The awards ceremony during Culturales 2023
Watch the awards ceremony for the 2022 edition
The videos of the winners of previous editions are here: ARVALIS TV
Subscribe to the Clap de Champs Facebook page and follow the news!